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Remember Them


Ever wonder how a monument is built? Follow our progress!

Ruby Bridges and Maya Angelou in clay

The finished clay sculpture of Section 1 with Maya Angelou and Ruby Bridges.

Maya Angelou Section Mold

Section 1 covered in mold “rubber”.  (Did you notice that Ruby’s head was taken off?)

Ruby Bridges

A separate mold was made for Ruby’s head.  Upon completion and cleaning, the molds are sent to the foundry.

Mario Chiodo Checks Wax Casting

Wax castings of each mold are created at the foundry.  Mario must check each wax head for imperfections.

Wax Casting Getting Ceramic Coating

After the artist’s approval, the wax castings are dipped in a ceramic coating.

Just before pouring the molten bronze into the ceramic shells, the wax is melted out.

Maya Angelou Bronze Head

The ceramic shells break away easily from the cooled bronze, and then the pieces are welded together.

An artisan at the foundry assembles Section 1.

Complete Section 1

Section 1 is complete in bronze except for the patina.

A team of sculptors assist Mario with the finishing details on Section 2.

Mario Chiodo Sculpts FDR

Mario is sculpting the pupils into each figure’s face so the eye contact is inescapable.

Chief Joseph has received his “eyes”.

Section 2 Clay Sculpture

The mold makers start dividing up the clay of Section 2.

Urethane “rubber” is being applied to the side of FDR on Section 2.

Helen Keller Foam Head

Scans from the original model created by Mario Chiodo are sent to a CNC milling company.  The foam enlargements are crude but save time for the sculptors.

Assembling Helen Keller Sculpture

A sculptor holds Helen Keller together on Section 3 while Mario art directs the placement.


Oskar Schindler

Section 3 takes shape!  The foam is carved and clarified before clay is added.

Helen Keller Clay Sculpture

A sculptor works on the clay of Helen Keller.



Ruby Bridges, one of the honorees on Remember Them; Guy Johnson, Maya Angelou's son;
and Leon Leyson, the youngest survivor of Schindler's List,
attend the unveiling of the finished clay sculpture of Maya Angelou and Ruby Bridges
at Chiodo Art Development on September 11, 2009.

Photography by Michael Collopy


Mario Chiodo, Ruby Bridges, and Leon Lyson
Mario Chiodo, Ruby Bridges and Leon Leyson

Tim McVeigh and Tom Ripponi of KTVU with Mario Chiodo

Tim McVeigh and Tom Ripponi of KTVU with Mario Chiodo

Nina Chiodo, Don Perata

Nina Chiodo, Don Perata

Leon Leyson

Ruby BridgesRuby Bridges

Ruby Bridges, Leon Leyson, Mario Chiodo

Guy Johnson, Mario Chiodo, Leon Leyson

Guy Johnson, Mario Chiodo, Leon Leyson

Mario Chiodo, Ruby Bridges, Joe Haraburda

Mario Chiodo, Ruby Bridges, Joe Haraburda

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